Friday, December 23, 2011

How to get my boyfriend to kiss me more?

We have been going out for like 9 months. All he will ever do is hug me, occasionally hold my hand, and give me a peck of a kiss every once in a while. I feel like he doesn't want this....yet he always tells me how much he loves me. I don't get it.

I am getting LapBand on the 17th!! Very Excited but a little worried too.?

I had a lumpectomy at 19 while 71/2 months pregnant (thankfully benign), then at 25 I had to have exploratory surgery, followed by a hysterectomy 1 month later. Is doing another surgery a bad idea? Has my "luck" ran out? -all the other surgeries turned out w/ no complications.. I'm 27 now, and just overweight enough to have the surgery, I used to be able to lose weight just fine, but with the hypothyroidism I am finally able to maintain weight without gaining, but find it impossible to lose weight. -I gained 100 pounds in three years, the same three years that I had the exploratory surgery, my hysterectomy, and my thyroid dropped. The weight started with the chronic pelvic pain, and just kept rising after. I've maintained my weight the past 14 months, just can't seem to lose any of it. Any suggestions, opinions, advice, or first hand experiences out there?!!

Left my bottle of scotch open, can I still drink it?

I had my bottle of Johnnie Walker open for a week or so without realizing it. Now it taste really harsh and disgusting, is it still drinkable?

Restraining order?? please help?? 20 y/o girl not sure what to do....?

ok so my now ex-boyfriend( we were together for 6 years) & i got into it 2 days ago. i broke up with him cuz he was startin to act like a fool & it looked like it was gonna get violent. well i broke up with him & he punched me twice in the shoulder while i was holding our daughter. finally my stepdad came & made him leave. today i tokk him his clothes & he went ballistic & was screamin so i left. while i was driving away he hit my car twice. he hit one of the windows. & had it broken it would have shattered gl all over our daughter. he has been callin & wanting to argue over the phone. i am worried he is gonna come over & try to take our daughter, i know she is his too & he has rights to her but they way he is acting i dont feel comfortable with her being around him while he is this angry. my mom told me she thinks i should get a restraining order against him. i dont know what to do.. can somebody please give me some advice??? or opinion??? please???

Is anyone else here a former closet case?

phobic people are usually waisting their lives trying to hide their secret. Most of the time, they do so unconsciously because they are limited by many factors, such as religions or bias values. It is easy to recognize this kind of people; they are extremely scared about everything concerning ity. Anyone has the right to be scared about uality. It is perfectly normal when someone don't understand what it is. However, phobic people (unconfessed gay people) are likely to have a really bad attitude towards other . Again, they are scared to be discovered by them. They also want to convince themself that they are not gay, but usually fail to it. This explain why they have bad behaviors.

Who deserves a BCS spot, 2 Loss Ohio State or Undefeated Boise State?

Boise or two loss TCU is more deserving than Ohio State. TCU lost only to the great Oklahoma, and to undefeated Utah in which it was clear TCU was the better team. TCU missed two chip shot field goals and dropped an easy TD p and STILL would have won if not for that bogus p interference call in the last minute on 4th down that gave Utah the chance to score the winning TD.

It is November 14 and lately it's been very WARM, why?

Usually, around this time (If I have my information gathered correctly), (It's Nov. 14) in Elk Grove, CALIFORNIA, it should be colder than what it is now-a-days. If you look on and look at our area code (95624), the weather is like 70 degrees and HIGHER ! Usually, it should be a lot colder ! It's disappointing because I love the cold, wintery weather. What's up? It's wayyyyy too hot during the day and get's cold at night...(The weather that I get at night is what I shouild get during the day) It's all twisted !